Daily Archives: November 23, 2009

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OMG Wellington Boots!!!


Rag TV has focused on Suri’s fashon sense, if a three year old can have such a thing, recently.  She’s been spotted in heals and all kinds of people are chiming in on how Mr. and Mrs. Cruise are abusing their daughter’s feet by letting her wear low heals.  So she was more recently photographed with her mother in cute rain boots and the media that cares about such things are all over it.  She’s wearing the shoes she should, and look at how cute OMG OMG OMG~

I have to agree.  They are just too darn cute, right?  Amelia got this exact pair and Elaine got similar ones that were more pink with rubber flowers on the toes instead of wings for their first birthday.   My girls were in on the big toddler fashion trend of the year before the queen toddler trend setter!  Well nothing that serious, but I perked up at the story because I recognized the absurd boots right off~

Here’s my little fashionista stomping around the house in the boots the week Ariana came home.

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